in Krusader development

Can you document, translate, test, help other users, package, hunt bugs, add comments or develop? Then you can help Krusader!. Help is needed!

It will look good on your résumé, you'll be able to give web addresses so that your employers will see with their own eyes how industrious you are, and the way you work. Krusader needs your help!

Check out our developer site where all progress is taking place (you can log in with a KDE Identity account).

You can fetch the source from the KDE Git repository.

Checkout (Anonymous)

$ git clone

Checkout (Developer)

$ git clone

Note: Refer to the GitKdeOrgManual for details.


$ mkdir krusader-build && cd krusader-build
$ cmake ../krusader -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/
$ make -j$(nproc)
# At the beginning of the following command: `sudo` must be added if Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Debian, or similar is being used.
$ su -c "make install"

Note: For the advanced and latest installation instructions please refer to the INSTALL file in the Krusader sources.